Get Started 101 | Do You Ship Pre-Ground Coffee?

The short answer, No.

We believe grinding before we ship negatively impacts the quality of the coffee we aim to offer you. Just like any other fresh product, roasted coffee beans lose freshness with time, and grinding the beans speeds up this process. Without getting too science-y, several things happen upon grinding. First, volatile compounds begin to escape, which is why the smell of ground coffee is intoxicating. However, this is literally flavor evaporating. Secondly, the compounds that you perceive as flavor start to degrade and cause new compounds that don’t necessarily taste good. Thirdly, oxidation eventually causes oils to become rancid, and although this takes a relatively long time, coffee is not exempt from this process.

Thus, for the best drinking experience, grinding your beans at home just before preparing the cup is ideal.

We understand entering the world of whole coffee beans can be overwhelming.

So, if you’re new to whole bean coffee at home and are looking to get started, we’re here to help.


Get Started 101 | Preparing the Kitchen


Get Started 101 | Whole Bean Coffee