Chocolate Syrup
Make It:
Zach’s Chocolate Syrup Recipe for homemade lattes
With autumn in full swing, we start to prefer warm drinks with frothy milks and sweet syrups for an afternoon pick-me-up.
This is Zach’s chocolate syrup.
His recipe can be added to an espresso shot with steamed milk for a delicious mocha latte right in your own kitchen. It also lends itself beautifully to hot chocolates for the children in your life as well.
1/2C cocoa powder
1/2C granulated sugar
1/2C water
splash of vanilla extract
measuring cup
small sauce pan
airtight vessel for syrup
Sift coco and sugar into small sauce pan to remove clumps
Add water and vanilla to dry ingredients
On medium-high heat stir until syrup comes to a boil
Remove from heat and let cool
Store in airtight container
Syrup should be good in the refrigerator for a week or two